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4 minutes | Experimental Film | 2012
Director - Alessandra Bosello, Lucilla Pesce

In this short video, what is usually considered the background, the landscape, the scenery, becomes the main character.
A Venetian villa, built in the 17th century, reached its height of splendour in the 1800s.
Today, after decades of neglect, these ruins lie forgotten. Its once-inspiring architecture is left naked and exposed, yet revealing the beauty of artistic, historic, noble and natural heritage. Nature has overgrown man-built architecture and now talks to the forgotten building as a lover talks to his/her loved one.


We are Ale & Lux (Alessandra Bosello & Lucilla Esce) and we discovered a shared affinity for artistic expression during our University studies. While we studied Artist and Performance Technique, in Venice, Italy, we began a human and artistic collaboration, interested in the exploration of places, and 'non-places'. Our exploration begins with the 'feeling' of a space; its vibrations, its stories and its energies.
The fascination with the concept of 'residual memory', and the 'Man-Nature-Culture'-relationship, has motivated us to try to create videos and performances. We create a "place" physical and psychological. We combine the memory, the myth and the imagined, binding them together as a vision. We use a variety of mediums; video, performance and experimentation with public-participatory art.

Year: 2012

Exact runtime: 3 minutes 33 seconds
Language: English

County: Bedfordshire

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